Abbadon arrives to stare down a full squad of Grey knight Paladins.
The Seer Council get surrounded by the forces of evil.
Orks charge into the TechPriest Enginseer. His Sacrifice will be noted In the annuals of Mars.
The Black Templars Spread out to make the Orks and Chaos pay.
The Orks consolidate after finishing off the Techpriest.
The Stormtroopers are charged by Dallas' plague marine squad.
They fight and the Stormtroopers survive.
They fight and the Stormtroopers survive.
Good side turn Three. Mort Brandysnap, two legged halfling death appears and stares down the Ork boys. Mort is my trooper Marbo proxy model.
The vets put another round of Melta gun fire into the back of the plague tower.
It suffers a catastrophic explosion and Dallas rolls snake eyes for the area of effect. So it only hits a few of Harker's squad.
My other two plasma gun equipped stormtrooper squads fire up the Daemon prince on our objective.
Nine plasma shots later the Daemon prince is dead.
Nine plasma shots later the Daemon prince is dead.
Mort tosses his Demo Charge and hits every Ork but one and only kills three. Uh Oh.
As John's Imperial guard move on to reinforce our objective, The Shadow sword reaches across the table and destroys a Necron monolith.
While some Black Templars finish off the orks, the rest start heading over to capture the Evil Objective.
The Seer council repositions.
The Seer council repositions.
Chaos terminators move out from behind the destroyed defiler.
Dark Eldar flyer heads for the landing platform to resupply.
Eldar Sunstorm Squadron starts dropping strength D templates across the table.
The Stormtroopers survive another round of combat against the Plague marines.
The Stormtroopers survive another round of combat against the Plague marines.
After shooting down most of the orks the guard squad goes to ground after being shot up by a Stompa. The last Techpriest stands defiant, he never really liked those servitors they were from a bad batch.
Mort should've wiped out that ork mob! The dice must be cursed!
See, I fail rolls when I play games, no matter what you accuse me of when we play.
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