Monday, March 5, 2012

First Game of 5150: Star Army

The originally planned gaming on Saturday was hit by a case of the "Real Life" and we had to reschedule for Sunday. After a satisfying meal and some discussion we set up for a learning game. It was Chuckaroobob, Big Roy and myself, each running a four man fire team of SYMON synthetic troopers. It was a good bit of stop and go, while we worked through the rules but it feels like once we get them down the games will speed up.

I didn't start taking pictures until late in the game but this is my demise. My Star Symon squad leader was shot down while trying to get to the last out of action trooper.

The end of the game as Chuckaroobob's last Symon takes a barrage of fire from Big Roy's squad
before being put down.

We used the patrol scenario with each player having to recon their opposite board edge. I manage to get first blood but it turned into sudden death hide and seek real fast. I am looking forward to getting more familiar with the rules and playing full scale games.


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