Monday, March 18, 2013

US Army 6th Cavalry in China 1901

US 6th Cavalry in China 1901

I saw this picture on another site and decided to share it around. The original caption is "6th cavalry honoring Count Waldersee on his arrivial between Chein-men and Ta-ching-men gates -- Peking. photo by, Underwood and Underwood 1901"

A little research comes up that Count Waldersee was Prussian Field Marshal Alfred von Waldersee the first Allied Supreme Commander of the International Relief Force at the end of the Boxer Rebellion. He was proposed for the job by the Tsar of Russia and seconded by the Japanese the first Allied Supreme Commander of Modern times.



Stuart said...

Ironic that Japan and Russia would be at each other's throats three years later!

ColKillgore said...

The stage of international politics is a strange place.