Here are all the lads ready for the table, including a TAG African Warlord with SVD rifle I have had waiting to be painted for years.

Saturday will be their baptism of Fire.
A chronicle of my gaming adventures and misadventures with a little bit of everything occasionally tossed in. It covers Flames of War, Warhammer 40k and Fantasy battle, Disposable Heroes, Sky galleons of Mars, Chasepot and Needle Gun, The Sword and the Flame, Warhammer Ancients and many others.
These guys look great, I was just looking at some Eureka NBC Soviets, those rubber clad commies would make great zombie fighters.
Eureka has some nice figures.I need about twenty some figures to round out my ZIPRA platoon for the Rhodesian war. I am debating on whether to pick up some of the Eurekas or go with the The african militia from the Assault Group.
Col, looking good cool breeze! I'm horrified that I do not own that freebie fig, I got Duke (from Doonesbury cartoon) instead. Eureka usually shows up at the Williamsburg (VA) Muster game con, early Feb. You should go and save yourself the shipping!
Its a good idea Chuckaroo, but I think that the shipping may be cheaper than my trip to the convention.
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