It seems I have been bitten by the
Beastman bug again. After some dealing with
Kenshinzo7 I came away with a bounty of
beastman models. I picked up minotaurs,
bestigors, a
centigor and
Kzarnak model. The one I like the most from them all is the
mordheim minotaur. I had only seen the model online before never in person.
My plans are to model the
centigor with a club and use him as
warhoof the new
centigor special character. I will field the
khorngors as regular
bestigors, which will bring my total to around seventy. My problem now is there are too many units in the special section I want to field. I will have to pick and choose the units. I am working on some lists and will post about them later.

The other half of the deal was a bag full of
skaven clan rats on the
sprue, an old school doom wheel and a few other
skaven models. These models take my
skaven army from an
over sized warband to a troop heavy army. I don't have the new
skaven book so I am not sure of the points I could field. So as it stands my
skaven consists of 130 or so clan rats, 20 slaves, 6 rat swarms, some
beastmasters with giant rats and one rat ogre, one
jezzail team, one doom wheel, a pile of the
mordheim gutter runners and a handful of characters.

I would blame
Mordheim for me building a basic
skaven army around the
skaven from the box but it would be false. My first ten
skaven were from the Fantasy regiment box I bought back in the serpent years of the late eighties. For those that don't remember it was a box of sixty figures for I think $20US. It had ten models each of
skaven, wood elves, dark elves,
orc, goblins, and dwarfs and it ranks up with the three rhino box for $20 and the two land raiders for $20. Like everybody else now, I wish I would have bought twenty boxes of all of them but
c'est la vie.
The funny thing is I won a bunch of skaven stuff in an auction down at the now closed GW store in Concord and have sold or traded most of it off. I guess I need to get the new skaven book so I came keep my eye out for what I need to add to the army.