Here are some pics of my buddies Tuna's Brass Scorpion I have been painting for him.

This is the model he used in the 80k of 40k Apocalypse battle . I have a bunch of thousand sons and some flamers waiting to be finished. I have also been working on a bunch of
AWI Highlanders for another friend of mine. On the good side I have finished up fifteen Soviet Heavy Machine gun bases for my Flames of war army. They have been setting on the painting table half finished for six months or more. My goal of painting a thousand figures this year is a long way off. The Soviets are the first models I have completely finished painting since
Gaming wise I have played in a The Sword and the Flame game at the
BOHM. It was a French versus the Arabs with Prospector Bob thrown in on the french side as a Victoria Cross Winner and Major Von
Kracken on the
Arab side with side unit of Stormtroopers. It was basically a punitive raid with the French goal to occupy/burn the village and the Arabs to stop them. It was a fun game but the French ended up
withdrawing in good order but unable to seize the main village.
I also played a Flames of war game at the
BOHM. It was a Soviet/American team(
CharlesK,Patrick and Me) verses the Germans(
JohnB andJerryW). I fielded my
Strekovy Batalon for the first time since I finished painting them and had a good time. All of us were a little rusty on the rules, it had been awhile since the last
FOW game. The Germans ended up winning but it was a close run thing. I tried using flame tanks for the first time and the jury is still out. I am thinking about making a couple of sniper bases to see how they work out. This is what inspired me to finish the Soviet
HMGs. I have been debating what to add to the Soviet army next. I have more infantry, a storm group, a
Smg platoon and a Gods of War Artillery Battalion. I am leaning towards to
Smgs and
Stormgroup especially if we keep playing mid war.
I am
planning a trip to the Castle tomorrow to pick up the new Dark Elf Battalion box I
tade for with a friend of mine. I am taking the plague towers for him to use in an
Apocalypse battle and may take a 40k army to try and get a game in using the 5
th ed rules.