I finished up a Daemon Prince for my friend Tuna over the weekend. Here are a few pictures.
A chronicle of my gaming adventures and misadventures with a little bit of everything occasionally tossed in. It covers Flames of War, Warhammer 40k and Fantasy battle, Disposable Heroes, Sky galleons of Mars, Chasepot and Needle Gun, The Sword and the Flame, Warhammer Ancients and many others.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Daemon Prince Finished
I finished up a Daemon Prince for my friend Tuna over the weekend. Here are a few pictures.

Tuna did all of the conversion work I just put the paint on it.
I finished up a Daemon Prince for my friend Tuna over the weekend. Here are a few pictures.
Warhammer 40k,
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Imperial Reinforcements Arrive
I really dig apocalypse games. The two armies I have fielded for Apocalypse games are Eldar centered around my Phantom titan and Plague marines centered around my Plaguetowers, but I have been having the urge to field an Imperial army. Unfortunately I didn't have any superheavies to back some imperials up. That has changed. I picked up a forgeworld shadowsword and a box of imperial guard tanks. The shadowsword has seen some better days but with some repair work and a fresh paint job it will see the table again.
The Box o Tanks will let me field the Leman Russ company in apocalypse games. Several of them need repair work especially the basilisk. All need a new paint job but I am debating on whether to paint them to match my current Tanks or to paint them in another scheme. I want to put sponsons on several of the tanks but I am waiting for the new codex to come out before I add them on.
I am also contemplating building a hydra AA vehicle but again I am waiting for the codex. I am trying to finish off the models I am painting for other people and then I can start on some of my own projects.
Fresh off the painting table
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