Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Banana Wars by Ivan Musicant book review

Hi Kids,  Ordinarily this time period is not my cup o' tea, but with the massive boom in Pulp era gaming over the last few years I figured I'd do a wee bit o' research and find out what was going on down south over the last 100 years.  And buddy, I'm glad I did! This 420 page tome was a great choice!  All the info the hard working gamer needs is here, even the freakin' bibliography is 10 pages long!  Each country has it's own chapter or two; Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Panama.  Chesty Puller would be proud, and Smedley Butler (one of the few guys to be awarded TWO Congressional Medals of Honor! (AND lived through it!)) turns up on more than one occasion.  One of my favorite anecdotes was how the Marines were roused from sleep by Butler yelling, "Who wants a fight?"  They then charged out to repel an attack, half dressed but fully armed.   I'm tellin' ya, ya just can't make this stuff up.  Jungle patrols, hidden forts, trains burned, customs houses raided, gunboat diplomacy, every kind of scenario you need.  There's even a guy named Dr. Bobo.  Musicant's style is easily read and very entertaining, if you have any interest in this time period or chunk of the planet I highly recommend this book.  He also has written a few books about warships, I might have to pick them up too!


commissarmoody said...

Pretty cool, I might have to check it out some time.

ColKillgore said...

Another book to add to the needs to be read list.