Parts Needed
7.9mm styrene angle
6.4mm styrene square tube
1.5mm x 3.2mm styrene strip
.5mm styrene sheet
1mm styrene sheet
Sentinel pilot
small radar antenna from space marine vehicle sprue
From the 1.5mmx3.2mm strip cut a 5mm piece and a 10mm piece.
Next cut a 15mm piece of 6.4mm square styrene tube and glue it to the styrene angle on the back of the pilot.
Slide the gunner onto the 4mm tube already on the other side of the center pylon. There is a good gap and you will need to cut a couple shims to keep the gunner in place when the gun moves. Once you get the shims glue the gunner onto the 4mm tube.
Cut the 4mm tube off flush with the end of the 6.4mm square. Take a piece of scrap 1mm styrene sheet and cut a piece big enough to cover the end. Glue it down and trim it down. then Greenstuff the gaps around the join.
Assemble the radar antenna and glue it to the end, keeping it level with the gun.
This will be the ranging radar for the gun mount.
Take the 4mm tube you cut off earlier and shave down one side. Insert it into the top of the center pylon and glue it into place. Be careful so that no glue gets onto the tube through the pylon so the gun will still move. Use some more greenstuff to close in the gap at the top of the center pylon.
Next I dug around the bits box and came up with a headlight from a toy truck. I trimmed it down and then mounted it on top of the 4mm tube. This will be the search radar for the gun.
1 comment:
Looking way cool! Makes me almost wish I had that kind of talent, but at the rate I work I'd never get anything finished. C'ya, Charles
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