I ended up playing 2 games of 40k. I had a battle to play against Patrick for the 40k league but he did show up till after I had started a game against a guy named Robert I hadn't meet

The game against Patrick went well for me but very bad for Patrick. I placed my vindicator to contest one side of the table and set the plague marines and later Typhus and the terminators close to his more heavily defended objective. He fielded a lot of scouts and a landspeeder storm a couple devastator squads, a couple tactical squads, a assault terminator squad with thunder hammers and Pedro Kantor. I ran drove the two plaguemarine squads into his guns and then used deep strike to land Typhus nearby. My vindicators managed to burn up his devastators but not before the plasma cannon squad burnt down my short plagumarine squad holding my objective.
He shot up typhus and the terminators and they broke and run. They eventually regrouped and returned but not before the combat started that included Pedro Kantor, two tactical squads, three scout squads, two plague marine squads, two lesser daemon squads and the terminator squad that had spent the majority of the game running from the other side of the board to get into combat in the last turns of the game. By the end of turn five Patrick only had one terminator and one rhino left on the board. He was ready to call it a game but after looking at the table we determined if his terminator and rhino could survive the turn he would contest two objectives and the game would be a draw. We finished the game and my two squads of Plaguemarines were able to pull the last terminator down, this gave me the win. I am beginning to think that the 3 vindicator list is a little overpowered for friendly play and since I have that snazzy new forgeworld dreadnought I think a new list will be in order.

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