A now fully loaded BTR-60 move along the board edge and fires its KPV hmg at the rear of the 6 wheel MRAP and fails to damage it.
End Game. The last BTR-60 pulls up behind cover and prepares to drop it troops for the Forlorn Hope against the Mine Head. The 4 wheel MRAP moves up to the woods as the last activation of the turn and then after winning initiative then it fires the MK19 and .50 cal. Hitting the BTR-60 several times and killing the surviving crew and all the passengers.
By this time I only had a handful of GROM operatives still firing and the surviving Pathers would have to walk to the mine head. The 4 wheel Mrap was damaged but was still in the fight and the 6 wheel was still good to go. The Pathers had one rifle grenadier left that could damage the MRAPs but after failing to destroy either of them after a dozen tries during the game, we decided to call it. GROM holds the Mine head.
One highlight of the game was John Boy taking the hot dice I was using and replacing them with the cold dice he was using. All the dice were ChuckarooBob's and he sticks to the statement that they have a mind of their own. The cold dice warmed up eventually and it was back to rolling hot.
One advantage I had in the game was being able to knock out several of the Pather weapon teams and giving me a bonus to the Initiative rolls. At the end of the game I was almost guaranteed wining initiative unless they rolled a ten and I rolled a 1. I concentrated on the recoiless rifles and 35mm AA guns with my snipers early in the game to give the MRAPs a chance. Chuckaroo had taken the precaution of loading most of his squads with anti-tank rifle grenades but a combination of misses and low damage rolls left the MRAPS still rolling. On the other hand the 6 wheel MRAP hitting one BTR in the wheel and destroying it and the other one in the mantel and destroying it made my game.
I had a good time and the game was anybodies until the end. The Grudge Match proved that a lesser point force hoed up in reinforced cover and take a bunch of punishment and still hold the objective.
Until the next game