Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chuckster Undefeated!!!! It's a sure sign of the Apocalypse!!!

Hi Kids,  We had some mini gaming action this months, here's the latest:  We'll start out with a couple shots of the Heroes HQ Apocalypse 40K game.  Up top that's the grabber ork machine about to inflict some mayhem on the Imperial Army,  and two of the right flank Plague Towers.

The Center of the Evil Hordes, including some custom built Mega-dredds!

The view from the right flank.  Some tough customers!  The game had a big enough turnout that Heroes HQ is planning on doing more games in the not-too-distant future.
But now on the other things.....
Down with the CatawbaGamers at Parker,Banner,Kent & Wayne's store in Cornelius NC, the World War One pilots were warming up their engines.  The set up was two bombers and some fighters per side.  This first pic is the two RAF RE8's (I think) getting hassled by the Fokker DR1's.  Just take a look at the AWE INSPIRING map!

This is Our Anti-hero Von Shootalot banking hard in his Rolland C2 to evade a Nieuport 17.

A DR1 gives up the chase and tries for a better attack angle, the defensive guns on the bombers are just too tough!

Furball!  A Nieuport mixes it up with a DR1, hoping to distract him from the bombers!

Just look at that precision flying by the bomber pilots!  Any B-17 pilot would be proud!

Things got hot and heavy, one DR1 has already gone down!

Pilots shot down return in more planes, in this shot 2 D7's mix it up.  Allied pilots return in Camels.  By the end of the game the British were slightly ahead; with more aerial victories and some long term servivors.  Sadly, I was not one of them, being shot down twice; in a Nieuport 17 and a Camel.  But then again, we all know WW1 games are insanely biased towards the DR1!!!

The after dinner game was MienPanzer via hexes.  Here we have some Russki T34/76, T70, and infantry.  To win the game you have to kill more of your opponents and there are extra points for the Russians advancing across the river.

Some of the Boch lineup, a couple Mk3's Mk4's and halftracks.

The Jerries move into position for some long range sniping.

The Chuckster leads the Russian sweep across the river, but three out of six tanks bog down!

Meanwhile, some T70's have blitzed the right flank into to woods on the German left, the Huns respond with Pioneer infantry assaulting out of halftracks!

The Jerries realize they're in trouble points-wise with so many Russians across the river, they move forward to close the range and try to take out the Russians not in cover.  I can hear the FoW players screaming from here:  "What?!?!?!?!  German vehicles on the move!!??!?!  I didn't know they had engines!?!?!?!?!"  @%##*$&#^@^*@!!!!"  One halftrack gets hit!

Meanwhile, The Chuckster moves to the edge of the woods and takes out a MK3! In the following turn I lose a T34 and take out the other MK3.   Intellectual Victory is declared! 

The action gets ugly as the Germans assault the T70's in the Right flank woods!  Most T70 and stunned or immobilized, but manage to crush the infantry with fire support from other Russians out of the picture.  Late in the game, the halftracks are trying to advance past the T70's.

The winners! Massive Russian forces on the German side of the river at game end.  The Huns had all sorts of whinging going on; river too easy to ford, woods too big, nobody told them the point schedule, blah-blah-blah....   But the real problem for them was their entire plan was "wait for the Russians to come out into the wide open field and shoot them until they're all dead."  The Russians, not being fools, decided to use cover and race to the victory side of the river rather than trade shots at long range with hulldown German tanks.  Needless to say, the German players were all rendered speechless by this unexpected tactic and spent 95% of the game waiting for the Russians to come out of the woods.  All hardcore gamers know it's just a matter of starting the engine and maneuvering, apparently the one thing NOT covering in Fascist boot camp.  If the German army really behaved like German players, they'd still be waiting to cross the Meuse River since 1940.

And the really amazing thing about this day o' gaming?  The Chuckster was undefeated!!!!  Whoa!!!!  Maybe Keanu Reeves can play my part in the movie!!!  We can call it  "Intellectual Victory."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Heroes HQ Charity Apocalypse End Game

The Battle Nears its conclusion.

The Black Templars attack the last Necron Monolith on the Evil center objective.

A lone Black Templar suffers not the Xenos to live.

The surviving Nob bikers attack the rear of Hugh's Baneblade. These are the same bikers that earlier had killed the last two Ratlings on the Imperial right flank.

Harker's squad moves back across the field to get into the action.

My vets deploy to try and get some shots in.

The Imperial close the noose around Kharn and his surviving berserkers.

Mort and the Techpriest move up to take on the Orks.

The Templars still whittling away at the Orks.

And Finally finish them.

Several of the Seer council fall but still tie up the Chaos marines.

My Stormtroopers move in and set up a cordon around the objective on the Imperial right.

Mort and the Techpriest go knife even with the Orks.

Mort drop three of the boys, then the Techpriest does one wound and the Nob drops him. In hindsight I forgot to roll for the techpriests Servo Arm attack Cest la vie.

The Nob bolos his break test and uses his boss pole to reroll. It fails so he takes a wound killing himself. Mort stands triumphant!

The surviving Ork Stompa moves across the field laying down fire. The last squad of Ratlings continue to pin down the Dark Eldar jet bike squad on the other side of the building.

The Black Templars consolidate around the evil objective on their left flank.

Evil turn Five. The obliterator charges into the vet squad.

The lone surviving Sanctioned psyker still taking cover in the crater left by his chimera.

Good turn Five. The Shadow sword destroys the mega dread in front of the center Evil Objective and clears the last two Dark Eldar warriors on the good objective to its front.

Having earlier destroyed the Necron Monolith, the Templars claim the Center Evil objective.

Ultramarine land raider moves up to claim the center good objective.

The Imperial guard move up to reinforce the objective.

A lone Chaos terminator contests the left side good objective.

While the Revenant jumps across the table to contest the Evil Right objective.

The forces of Good win with Four objectives.

The game was a blast. The forces of Evil had more structure points of super heavies but losing the Klaw Stompa on turn one hurt them. I was happy with the performance of my forces and the Ratlings did the Legion proud.

The store owner Kris said he will tentatively plan an Apocalypse game every quarter.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Heroes HQ Charity Apocalypse game Mid Game

We continue the battle starting with Evil Side turn three

Abbadon arrives to stare down a full squad of Grey knight Paladins.

The Seer Council get surrounded by the forces of evil.

Orks charge into the TechPriest Enginseer. His Sacrifice will be noted In the annuals of Mars.

The Black Templars Spread out to make the Orks and Chaos pay.

The Orks consolidate after finishing off the Techpriest.

The Stormtroopers are charged by Dallas' plague marine squad.

They fight and the Stormtroopers survive.

Good side turn Three. Mort Brandysnap, two legged halfling death appears and stares down the Ork boys. Mort is my trooper Marbo proxy model.

The vets put another round of Melta gun fire into the back of the plague tower.

It suffers a catastrophic explosion and Dallas rolls snake eyes for the area of effect. So it only hits a few of Harker's squad.

My other two plasma gun equipped stormtrooper squads fire up the Daemon prince on our objective.

Nine plasma shots later the Daemon prince is dead.

Mort tosses his Demo Charge and hits every Ork but one and only kills three. Uh Oh.

As John's Imperial guard move on to reinforce our objective, The Shadow sword reaches across the table and destroys a Necron monolith.

While some Black Templars finish off the orks, the rest start heading over to capture the Evil Objective.

The Seer council repositions.

Chaos terminators move out from behind the destroyed defiler.

Dark Eldar flyer heads for the landing platform to resupply.

Eldar Sunstorm Squadron starts dropping strength D templates across the table.

The Stormtroopers survive another round of combat against the Plague marines.

After shooting down most of the orks the guard squad goes to ground after being shot up by a Stompa. The last Techpriest stands defiant, he never really liked those servitors they were from a bad batch.

The Orks charge the Stormlord and the Nob with a power claw misses all but one attack and it fails to damage the Shadow sword.

The surviving Black Templars in the Evil backfield fighting Necrons to get to the central evil objective.

The Plague marines cross the stream to get to the seer council.

The Stormtroopers fight the good fight against the Plague marines,

And the Stormtroopers finally fall. Behind them are the Grey knights that finished off Abbadon.

Mort Brandysnap prepares to finish his enemies.

Check back for the final instalment.